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Guess Who.....

The bible, soooo funny

Sunday, January 20, 2008

What is the Super Finger Symbol?????

The SUperFInger or SU-FI (pronounced Sue-Feye) Consists of raising the middle finger, ring finger, and thumb on the same hand while lowering (or curling) the index and pinky fingers. “As with many things in my life, what started out as a routine on stage became something that just took on a life of its own.” The original joke performed at the Laugh Factory in Hollywood was about having to be so pissed off at someone that giving them the finger just wouldn’t be enough, so you’d have to give them just a little bit extra--the SUperFinger (or the SU-FI if you’re a bad ass M F). "I always wanted to have my very own symbol, something as identifiable as the Nike ‘swoosh’, the ‘golden arches’ of McDonald’s, or the American Red ‘Cross’." 


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